The Raw Kitchen, Fremantle

It was 37 degrees in Freo and we were walking towards this restaurant. Well, thanks to my keen sense of direction we walked for ten minutes the wrong way and had to turn back, so we were burning up and completely parched when we got there. The beautiful waitress must have noticed as we were promptly given some nice chilled water. It was cool and airy inside. I love it when a cafe is fitted out in a warehouse and has natural light coming through.

I’ve been meaning to try Raw Kitchen out for a while. Tales of the healthiness of raw food have been circulating around friends, and I’ve been fascinated by pasta being substituted with zucchini noodles. The food did not disappoint, I loved my zucchini pasta and hubs enjoyed the pizza as well. It’s refreshing and light, perfect for the weather! It had just the right seasoning and was still bursting with flavour from the olives and fresh white button mushrooms.

The Raw Kitchen
181A High St, Fremantle WA 6160
(08) 9433 4647

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